Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. Composition of 5 images with different exposures (8s, 4s, 2s, 1s, 0.5s) : China Combination of 7 images between C3 and C4 and a 5-image composition of totality on the right. : China Seriously problematic circumstances between C1 and C2. This picture was taken without a solar filter. I know that several people in other areas would have given their right arm for a glimpse like this so I'll stop complaining about 'poor' circumstances. : China Between first and second contact without Baader filter. : China Between first and second contact without Baader filter. : China
Between first and second contact without Baader filter. : China Between first and second contact but now with the Baader filter installed. This was good news because it meant that the thick clouds had disappeared. As you can see a thin layer of cirrus clouds remained. : China Some 20 minutes before totality. : China Approximately 14 minutes before totality or second contact (C2). : China Only 8 minutes before the sun disappeared entirely. : China
Diamond ring a few seconds before C2. I photographed the C2 event at 1 sec intervals. : China Diamond ring right before C2. This picture was shot 1 sec after the previous diamond ring image. : China Diamond ring right before C2. This image has been slightly enhanced to show a bit more detail in the corona. : China Baily's Beads at Second Contact. A combination of 5 images taken at 1 second intervals. : China Baily's Beads at Second Contact. A combination of 9 images taken at 1 second intervals. : China
Baily's Beads at Second Contact. A combination of 9 images taken at 1 second intervals. : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. An 8 second exposure of totality. : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. A 4 second exposure of totality. : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. A 2 second exposure of totality. : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. A 1 second exposure of totality. : China
Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. A 0.5 second exposure of totality. : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. Detail of a 0.5 second exposure of totality. : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. Composition of 5 images with different exposures (8s, 4s, 2s, 1s, 0.5s) : China Diamond ring right after C3. Clearly visible are the bright red prominences. : China Approximately 10 minutes after the sun re-appeared i.e. third contact (C3). The pinkish color is caused by the Baader filter. But this is actually a more accurate representation of the sun's real color. : China
Some 35 minutes after C3. : China About an hour after C3. : China The very last moment before fourth and last contact (C4). This was some 78 minutes after C3 and two and a half hours after first contact (C1)! : China Solar Eclipse path. Solar Eclipse path.
Solar Eclipse path. Combination of 7 images between C3 and C4 and a 5-image composition of totality. : China Matrix of solar eclipse images taken at 6 minute intervals. In the middle a composition of 5 totality images. : China Matrix of solar eclipse images taken at 4 minute intervals. In the middle a composition of 5 totality images. : China Combination of 10 images taken at two minute intervals. This shows the speed at which the moon eclipsed the sun. : China
Combination of solar eclipse images taken at 4 minute intervals, third contact on the right top and a composition of 5 totality images in the middle. : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. Composition of 5 images with different exposures (8s, 4s, 2s, 1s, 0.5s) : China Stay in line people... and don't kick my tripod. : China 20090722 Eclipse - Hisso P1030339 : China Solar Eclipse July 22, 2009. This is an artist impression of the so-called Baily's Beads at Second Contact or C2. This is a combination of 9 images, taken at 1 second intervals, right before the moon eclipsed the sun entirely. : China