On certain nights candles are lit at Petra's iconic Treasury in Jordan. I was lucky enough to witness this with a rising full moon. The moon nicely lights the mountain top and upper part of the Treasury. A combination of candlelight and reddish sandstone creates the beautiful orange-red colors. This is a 4 min(!) exposure of the event which causes small star trails to appear in the night sky. : Jordan A combination of seven images of the Spinnaker Tower at dawn. The Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, United Kingdom was built as part of the centrepiece of the Renaissance of Portsmouth Harbour Project and stands 170 metres tall. It is situated on the waterfront at Gunwharf Quays and overlooks Portsmouth Harbour. On certain evenings it is illuminated in different (meaningful) colours. On this particular day the Tower was alternating between many different colours. The so-called show lighting was however not switched off at midnight, as it normally is, but stayed on until the next morning. This enabled me to photograph the Tower in the different colours against a beautiful blue morning sky. : United Kingdom Rickshaw driver - Varanasi, India. : India, People Thunderstorm over Hamburg, Germany. Lonely tree in the Den Helder dunes facing the oncoming storm.
Beam of Sunlight nicely lights the dusty innards of Karak Castle, Karak, Jordan. : Jordan Stonehenge, United Kingdom. : United Kingdom Grenada Island. : Grenada Statue of Ramses II at Memphis' Museum - Memphis, Egypt. : Egypt The Spinnaker Tower in Portsmouth, UK by Night. This is a combination of 270(!) 20-second exposures (=1.5 hr!) which nicely brings out the star trails.
Sunset in the Baltic Sea. : Sunset, SNMG1 Deployment 2005-2006 On guard in front of the Gate of Heavenly Peace or Tiananmen gate, Beijing. : China, People Doors around the World. Streets of Amman, Jordan by night. I took this image after midnight and there was, probably because of Ramadan, still lots of activity and heavy traffic. The serene Chorro de las Mozas (young women’s falls) in El Valle. : Manual HDR, Panama, Waterfall
Artwork by hurricane Dolly. : United States of America Stromboli erupting at night. : Italy, SNMG1 Deployment 2005-2006 The impressive dark, narrow gorge (in places only 3–4 m wide) called the Siq, a natural geological feature formed from a deep split in the sandstone rocks. The Siq leads from the town of Wadi Musa to the ancient city of Petra. : Jordan Sufi dancing (Whirling Dervishes) - Cairo, Egypt. : Egypt Barbados Seaview. : Barbados
Lonely tree in the Den Helder dunes facing the oncoming storm. New York's finest on post at the National Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City. Sunrise over Srah Srang (Pool of Ablutions) basin - Angkor, Cambodia. : Cambodia, PanoCrop Solar Eclipse in China on July 22, 2009. Composition of 5 images with different exposures (8s, 4s, 2s, 1s, 0.5s) : China Transit of Venus - First glimpse
Lush-green Boquete, Panama. : Panama Fatehpur Sikri, India. : India, People Spinnaker Tower in a spectacular sunrise. : United Kingdom Mosque of Ibn Tulun - Cairo, Egypt. : Egypt The rear-side of the magnificent Taj Mahal - Agra, India. : India
Marmaris, Turkey. : SNMG2 Deployment 2006, Turkey Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario in a heavy thunderstorm, Leon. : Nicaragua Petit Tabac, Tobago Cays, St Vincent & the Grenadines. : St Vincent & the Grenadines City Palace - Jaipur, India. : India Agujitas' deserted  beach in the never ending rain, Península de Osa, Costa Rica. : Costa Rica
On certain nights numerous candles are lit at Petra's iconic Treasury in Jordan. This is a 30 sec exposure of the event. : Jordan The Grenada Carnival. : Carnival, Grenada, People Grenada Island. : Grenada The United States Capitol, atop Capitol Hill in Washington D.C., is the seat of the United States Congress, the legislative branch of the U.S. federal government, completed in the year 1800. Diamond ring right before C2. This image has been slightly enhanced to show a bit more detail in the corona. : China
Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, United Kingdom. : Shift-stitched (Landscape), United Kingdom Transit of Venus : United Kingdom Cai Rang floating market - Can Tho, Vietnam. : People, Vietnam Taj Mahal - Agra, India. : India Grenada Island. : Grenada
Iglesia de la Recolección, León, Nicaragua. : Nicaragua Adult Albino Hawksbill Turtle at the Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary on Bequia Island, St Vincent & the Grenadines. : St Vincent & the Grenadines, Animals City Palace - Jaipur, India. : India Bodiam Castle, Bodiam, United Kingdom. : Panoramic, Shift-stitched (Landscape), United Kingdom On Broadway...
Giza Plateau, Egypt. : Egypt Rufous-tailed hummingbird on Península de Osa, Costa Rica. : Animals, Costa Rica Western face-tower of Banteay Kdei Buddhist monastery - Angkor, Cambodia. : Cambodia Mosque of Ibn Tulun - Cairo, Egypt. : Egypt Arlington National Cemetery.
The stunning Cathedral de Granada in Granada, Nicaragua basking in the warm morning light. : Nicaragua Aksaz, Turkey. : SNMG2 Deployment 2006, Turkey Tracks. : Costa Rica Buddhist monastery Banteay Kdei - Angkor, Cambodia. : Cambodia Doors around the World.
Sandstorm - Giza Plateau, Egypt. : Egypt Who said directing traffic in Xi'an, China was easy? : China, People The athmospheric and mysterious Bodiam Castle before sunrise, Bodiam, United Kingdom. : Panoramic, Shift-stitched (Landscape), United Kingdom The Basilica Cistern - Old Istanbul, Turkey. This Byzantine waterstorage once held 80.000 cum of water which was delivered by 20 km of aqueducts from a reservoir near the Black Sea. : SNMG2 Deployment 2006, Turkey Satue of Ramses II at Memphis' Museum - Memphis, Egypt. : Egypt
Sunrise over Srah Srang (Pool of Ablutions) basin - Angkor, Cambodia. : Cambodia Petra, Jordan. : Jordan Copán Ruinas, Honduras. : Honduras Kungfu training in the setting sun, Kunming lake, Beijing, China. : China, People, Sunset The Seven Sisters Falls in Grand Etang National Park, Grenada. : Grenada
Avenue of Sphinxes at Luxor Temple - Eastbank Luxor, Egypt. : Egypt The Grenada Carnival. : Carnival, Grenada, People Nile Sunset - Eastbank Luxor, Egypt. : Egypt Barbados Seaview. : Barbados Ricefields around Wùyuán, China. : China, People
Petra Pussycat. : Jordan Diamond ring a few seconds before C2 or second contact during the Solar Eclipse in China on July 22, 2009. I photographed the C2 event at 1 sec intervals. : China Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, United Kingdom. : Shift-stitched (Portrait), United Kingdom Bodiam Castle just after sunrise, Bodiam, United Kingdom. : United Kingdom The Buddhist Fragrance Pavillion at Kunming Lake in Beijing, China in the setting sun. : China, Sunset
Sandstorm - Giza Plateau, Egypt. : Egypt Combination of 7 images between C3 and C4 and a 5-image composition of totality on the right. I took these images during the Solar Eclipse in China on July 22, 2009. : China Shanghai skyline by night. : China Baird's tapir in Costa Rica. : Animals, Costa Rica Sandstone Pillars at the Temple of Artemis, Jerash, Jordan. : Jordan
Fun with Tilt & Shift. : United Kingdom My first attempt at photographing the night sky. I shot this approximately 2.5 hour exposure near Old Idsworth in Hampshire, UK. With the little program Startrails I stacked 23 360-sec exposures. It is easy to see that the stars get fainter as time passes which was caused by dew on my lens. The remaining images were completely useless because of this. Unfortunately I didn't notice this, in the pitch dark night, until I came home. Next time I'll try sticking 1 or 2 chemical handwarmers on my lens. Great court of Ramses II at Luxor Temple - Eastbank Luxor, Egypt. : Egypt Anse la Roche, Grenada - Carriacou Island. : Grenada Eyelash viper in Costa Rica. : Animals, Costa Rica
The Muslim quarter of Xi'an, China. : China, People Foggy morning in Gracias, Honduras. : Nicaragua, Sunset Grenada Island. : Grenada The serene Chorro de las Mozas (young women’s falls) in El Valle, Panama. : Panama, Waterfall Cambodian river-life; boatride from Battambang to Siem Reap. : Cambodia
Splendid views on Baradol Island, Tobago Cays, St Vincent & the Grenadines. : St Vincent & the Grenadines Spectacular sunset in the Rhodos Channel, Greece. : Greece, SNMG2 Deployment 2006, Sunset, Sunset Grenada - Carriacou Island. : Flowers, Grenada Lonely puppy on Peninsula de Osa's deserted beach. : Animals, Costa Rica Grenada - Carriacou Island. : Grenada
Chorro El Macho near El Valle, Panama. : Panama, Waterfall Giza Plateau, Egypt. : Egypt Hundreds of recently hatched Hawksbill Turtles at the Old Hegg Turtle Sanctuary on Bequia Island, St Vincent & the Grenadines. : St Vincent & the Grenadines, Animals Relaxing in Mosque of Ibn Tulun - Cairo, Egypt. : Egypt The Blue Mosque - Old Istanbul, Turkey. Sultan Ahmet I had this mosque built and it was completed in 1616. : SNMG2 Deployment 2006, Turkey
Mosque of Ibn Tulun - Cairo, Egypt. : Egypt The Blue Mosque behind the Sultanahmet park fountains - Old Istanbul, Turkey. : SNMG2 Deployment 2006, Turkey Sandstorm - Giza Plateau, Egypt. : Egypt Sufi dancing (Whirling Dervishes) - Cairo, Egypt. : Egypt Nile Sunset - Eastbank Luxor, Egypt. : Egypt
Diamond ring right after C3. Clearly visible are the bright red prominences. : China View from my cabin in Agujitas on Península de Osa, Costa Rica. : Costa Rica Inside the Blue Mosque - Old Istanbul, Turkey. Sultan Ahmet I had this mosque built and it was completed in 1616. : SNMG2 Deployment 2006, Turkey Green iguana warming itself in the morning sun on (Biological reserve) Isla del Caño, Costa Rica. : Animals, Costa Rica First glimpse of the iconic and probably best known structure of the ancient city of Petra, Jordan: The Treasury (or locally known as Al-Khazneh). Upon exiting the 1.2km long Siq, this is the magnificent sight your presented with. The beautifully colored, Hellenistic facade is an astonishing piece of craftsmanship of a scale and grandeur guaranteed to evoke a wow. : Jordan
Fireworks. : United Kingdom, Fireworks Artwork by hurricane Dolly. : United States of America One of the many deserted beaches on Península de Osa, Costa Rica. : Costa Rica Barbados Seaview. : Barbados Bayon - Angkor Thom, Cambodia. : Cambodia
Striped palm pit viper. : Animals, Costa Rica Scarlet macaws on Península de Osa, Costa Rica. : Animals, Costa Rica Doors around the World. The impressive narrow and very dark Siq, Petra, Jordan. : Jordan The serene Chorro de las Mozas (young women’s falls) in El Valle, Panama. : Panama, Waterfall
Close-up of an extra-vehicular activity spacesuit at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. Bodiam Castle basking in the morning sun, Bodiam, United Kingdom. : Panoramic, Shift-stitched (Landscape), United Kingdom Grenada Island. : Grenada Hall of Public Audiences (Diwan-i-Am) within the Red Fort (Lal Qila) - Delhi, India. : India, India Inside the Umayyad Gateway with its new wooden dome roof in Amman, Jordan. This was the formal entrance to the Umayyad Palace (730 AD). : Jordan
Obligatory family portrait at West Lake, Hángzhou. : China, People Las Vegas, NV. Giza Plateau, Egypt. : Egypt Rapeseed field near Boarhunt, UK. : United Kingdom