Street vendor in Antananarivo, Madagascar. Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. A warm welcome by some very curious kids on the banks of the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. : Madagascar Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. A warm welcome by some very curious kids on the banks of the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. : Madagascar
A warm welcome by some very curious kids on the banks of the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. : Madagascar A warm welcome by some very curious kids on the banks of the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. : Madagascar A warm welcome by some very curious kids on the banks of the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. : Madagascar Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. Kids show interest in our campsite on the banks of the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. : Madagascar
Kids show interest in our campsite on the banks of the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. : Madagascar Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. Moonrise over the Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. Friendly Lemur - Tsiribihina river, Madagascar. Friendly Lemur - Tsiribihina river, Madagascar.
Heading for Parc National des Tsingy, Madagascar. Heading for Parc National des Tsingy, Madagascar. Heading for Parc National des Tsingy, Madagascar. Heading for Parc National des Tsingy, Madagascar. Parc National des Tsingy (Petits Tsingy), Madagascar.
Parc National des Tsingy (Petits Tsingy), Madagascar. Parc National des Tsingy (Grands Tsingy), Madagascar. Parc National des Tsingy (Grands Tsingy), Madagascar. Parc National des Tsingy (Grands Tsingy), Madagascar. Parc National des Tsingy (Grands Tsingy), Madagascar.
Parc National des Tsingy (Grands Tsingy), Madagascar. Parc National des Tsingy, Madagascar. Heading for Morondava, Madagascar. More car-trouble while heading for Morondava, Madagascar. Avenue du Baobab - Morondava, Madagascar.
Avenue du Baobab - Morondava, Madagascar. Zebu-cart on Avenue du Baobab - Morondava, Madagascar. Avenue du Baobab - Morondava, Madagascar. Avenue du Baobab - Morondava, Madagascar. Avenue du Baobab - Morondava, Madagascar.
Fishermen awaiting for the right surf to return to shore after spending the night at sea fishing - Morondava, Madagascar. In a frenzy women storm the returning fishermen to get their share of the fish -  Morondava, Madagascar. In a frenzy women storm the returning fishermen to get their share of the fish -  Morondava, Madagascar. In a frenzy women storm the returning fishermen to get their share of the fish -  Morondava, Madagascar. In a frenzy women storm the returning fishermen to get their share of the fish -  Morondava, Madagascar.
In a frenzy women storm the returning fishermen to get their share of the fish -  Morondava, Madagascar. In a frenzy women storm the returning fishermen to get their share of the fish -  Morondava, Madagascar. Fishing-madness in Morondava, Madagascar. Small Hammerhead - Morondava, Madagascar. Camion-Brousse from Toliara to Ifaty, Madagascar.
Fishing-piroques on the beaches of Ifaty, Madagascar. Fishing-piroques on the beaches of Ifaty, Madagascar. Kids posing for the camera in Ifaty, Madagascar. Drying fish - Ifaty, Madagascar. Kids posing for the camera in Ifaty, Madagascar.
Ifaty, Madagascar. Sunset in Vovo Telo - Ifaty, Madagascar. Sunset in Vovo Telo - Ifaty, Madagascar. Taxi-Brousse breakdown between Toliara and Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar.
Humpback Whales off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar.
Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar.
Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar. Humpback Whale off the coast of Ifaty, Madagascar.