Ruins of the San Sebastián church which was bombed in 1979, León. : Nicaragua Ruins of the San Sebastián church which was bombed in 1979, León. : Nicaragua Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario in a heavy thunderstorm, Leon. : Nicaragua Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario in a heavy thunderstorm, Leon. : Nicaragua Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario in a heavy thunderstorm, Leon. : Nicaragua
Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario in a heavy thunderstorm, Leon. : Nicaragua One of the many lightning strikes in León. : Nicaragua The Catedral of León (Basílica de Asunción). : Nicaragua Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario, Leon. : Nicaragua Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario, Leon. : Nicaragua
Iglesia de la Recolección, León. : Nicaragua Iglesia de la Recolección, León. : Nicaragua Market at the Catedral of León. : Nicaragua On the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua On the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua
View from the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua View from the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua Iglesia Dolce Nombre de Jesús El Calvario from the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua Market at the Catedral of León. : Nicaragua On the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua
On the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua On the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua On the roof of the Catedral (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua FSLN flag (Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional) flying over the Mausoleo de los Héroes y Mártires in León. : Nicaragua A surreal painting of former US president Ronald Reagan in la Casa de Cultura, León. : Nicaragua
Iglesia de la Recolección, León. : Nicaragua Iglesia de la Recolección, León. : Nicaragua The largest Catedral in Central America (Basílica de Asunción), León. : Nicaragua The busy Parque Central of León with the Catedral in the background. : Nicaragua Iglesia de la Recolección bathing in the warm evening light, León. : Nicaragua
The Catedral of León in a thunderstorm (Basílica de Asunción). : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua The stunning Cathedral de Granada in the warm morning light. : Nicaragua The stunning Cathedral de Granada in the warm morning light. : Nicaragua The stunning Cathedral de Granada in the warm morning light. : Nicaragua
Granada : Nicaragua Colonial architecture in Granada. : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua, People Granada : Nicaragua, People
Granada : Nicaragua, People Iglesia de Merced in Granada. : Nicaragua Iglesia de Merced in Granada. : Nicaragua Iglesia de Merced, Granada. : Nicaragua Granada : Doors, Nicaragua, People
Sorrowful fair near Parque Xalteva, Granada. : Nicaragua Iglesia de Xalteva, Granada. : Nicaragua Iglesia de Xalteva, Granada. : Nicaragua Iglesia de Xalteva, Granada. : Nicaragua Iglesia de Xalteva, Granada. : Nicaragua
Iglesia de Xalteva, Granada. : Nicaragua Maria supports the local power company in Granada. : Nicaragua Fortaleza La Polvora or previously known as Fortaleza de Armas. Constructed in 1748 by the Spanish, Granada. : Nicaragua Fortaleza La Polvora or previously known as Fortaleza de Armas. Constructed in 1748 by the Spanish, Granada. : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua
Granada : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua Cooling off in Lago de Nicaragua, Granada. : Nicaragua, People Taxi in Granada. : Nicaragua
Granada's waterfront. : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua Granada : Nicaragua, People Granada's beautifully colored ferry terminal. : Nicaragua Granada's beautifully colored ferry terminal. : Nicaragua
Granada's beautifully colored ferry terminal. : Nicaragua The small ferry to Altagracia (Isla de Ometepe), San Miguelito and San Carlos awaits at the end of Granada's long pier. : Nicaragua The very active Volcán Concepción on Isla de Ometepe as seen from the ferry from Granada to Altagracia, San Miguelito and San Carlos. : Nicaragua The very active Volcán Concepción (1610 m) on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Volcán Maderas (1394 m), the second largest Volcano of Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua
The perfectly symmetric, very active Volcán Concepción on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Chaotic scenes when the ferry arrives in Altagracia on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Cloud-shrouded slopes of Volcán Concepción, Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua 'Breathtaking' sulphurous gases inside Volcán Concepción's crater, Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Volcán Concepción's crater rim (1610 m) on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua
'Breathtaking' sulphurous gases inside Volcán Concepción's crater, Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Volcán Concepción's crater rim (1610 m) on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua 'Breathtaking' sulphurous gases inside Volcán Concepción's crater, Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Volcán Concepción's crater rim (1610 m) on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Mossy forest on the lower slopes of Volcán Concepción on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua
Mossy forest on the lower slopes of Volcán Concepción on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua One of the ancient statues or monoliths in Altagracia, Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Mustering for a free rabies shot in Altagracia, Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Loading the ferry from Moyogalpa (Isla de Ometepe) to the mainland San Jorge. : Nicaragua Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua
Volcán Concepción on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Volcán Concepción, the largest of the two volcanoes on Isla de Ometepe. : Nicaragua Basalt statue from the Zapatera archipelago, Convento y Museo San Francisco, Granada. : Nicaragua Convento y Museo San Francisco, Granada. : Nicaragua
Cathedral de Granada. : Nicaragua Taxi-stand "Granada-style". : Nicaragua Taxi-stand "Granada-style". : Nicaragua Cathedral de Granada. : Nicaragua Footprints in the Mudd in Managua (Huellas de Acahualincas). Only these prints have fossilized and are some 6000 years old. They were discovered by miners in 1874 and partly excavated in 1941 and 1942 by the Carnegie Foundation. : Nicaragua
Footprints in the Mudd in Managua (Huellas de Acahualincas). Only these prints have fossilized and are some 6000 years old. They were discovered by miners in 1874 and partly excavated in 1941 and 1942 by the Carnegie Foundation. : Nicaragua Footprints in the Mudd in Managua (Huellas de Acahualincas). Only these prints have fossilized and are some 6000 years old. They were discovered by miners in 1874 and partly excavated in 1941 and 1942 by the Carnegie Foundation. : Nicaragua Sandino's huge silhouette overlooking Managua in the Tiscapa National Historic Park. It marks the location were Sandino and his men were executed in 1934. General Augusto César Sandino was the guerrilla leader in the rebellion against the U.S. military occupation of Nicaragua between 1927 and 1933. Sandino's legacy was claimed by the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN), which overthrew the Somoza government in 1979. : Nicaragua The former Roosevelt monument in Managua's Tiscapa National Historic Park is now a monument for those who died in the revolution. : Nicaragua The former Roosevelt monument in Managua's Tiscapa National Historic Park is now a monument for those who died in the revolution. : Nicaragua